This title made me think about how at one point in my stamping life every card I made was with the Espresso Yourself set. And how Crystal pointed that out at one of our demo meetings and so I went and traded it so I wouldn't be tempted to use it again.
Anyway... That isn't what the title was supposed to be about. What I was really going to tell you was that a brand new Senseo coffee machine appeared on my porch yesterday. I had run into a post on Jody Morrow's blog HERE about filling out a survey online and if they liked your answers you would get a $70 coffee maker and accessories. All you had to do was pay the $15 for shipping. It is true. If you want one or are looking for a good gift for a coffee lover well give it a shot!
Unfortunately, I was running behind and didn't get a chance to open it and try out my coffee maker. But you can bet I will be trying it out tonight. I haven't gotten much sleep lately and I need to make 23 WOW cardfronts for the SCS dinner after regionals on Saturday and I haven't even started. I don't think I am even going to attempt to make some for the regional itself. I have too many cardfronts now.
Guess what I remembered to do? I took my camera to the stamp camp last night and got pictures of the projects. Can you believe it? Ok, here is one of the simple Christmas cards we did. I will save the others for another day. Wouldn't want to overwhelm you.

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