I really enjoy browsing other people's blogs. I am amazed at the wonderful ideas people have out there. And then of course I come across other things I need to buy! I won't be able to buy anything in a little while unless I can find a way to make my creativity work for me. I pretty much told my boss I didn't think I could continue to work. It's just not making sense financially. My hubby and I are going to sit down this weekend and weigh my options. One thing I fear of staying home and relying on him for all the cash is that I won't be able to buy stuff I want any more! I need to come up with a way to make some spending money...
Thursday, February 01, 2007
A couple of So Very's
I really enjoy browsing other people's blogs. I am amazed at the wonderful ideas people have out there. And then of course I come across other things I need to buy! I won't be able to buy anything in a little while unless I can find a way to make my creativity work for me. I pretty much told my boss I didn't think I could continue to work. It's just not making sense financially. My hubby and I are going to sit down this weekend and weigh my options. One thing I fear of staying home and relying on him for all the cash is that I won't be able to buy stuff I want any more! I need to come up with a way to make some spending money...
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Oh Lorien,
I feel your pain. I decided to stay home almost 7 years ago after having carpel tunnel surgery after the baby was born.. then weighin inn keepingone job and what day car woudl be. Well Iwas a school secretaryatthat point makign 12.50 per hour.. day care was 5 bucks an hour.. after taxes.. well it wasn't worth it. I grocery shop in bulk at BJ's to save buy striagh t formanothe rbutcher.... and we eventually figured out I need some money of my own to do as I please.. I felt terrible about no having my own $$ and beingdependant.HAvingto ask to buy a nice shampoo or haev my hair highlighted... it was depressingfora while. I got over it in a year.. :}
YOu got a comment from Debbie Olson?!?!? You are famous!
You know how much I want you to be home so you can be with the kids, but I completely understand your fears! It's been almost 8 years now and I do miss the extras that everyone else has, but its worth it in the long run. Hugs to you!
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