I am so not a gardener. A few years ago I planted a bunch of things that would come back every year and I wouldn't have to mess with them. Hosta, Daylily, Tulips, Daffodils, I've got some phlox, there were some peonys there already when we moved in. Well, I haven't done much with it since then and it is pretty over grown. Things need to be split and moved. Maybe next year.
So we have been ignoring the flower beds and every couple of weeks my husband takes the weed wacker and trims down the weeds. He left a huge thistle that I guess he thought was a flower. It turned all brown after it got taller than me and he finally got rid of it. We had some trees coming up that I took out and we had something coming up in an old flower pot that I had Gerber Daisies in a few years ago. That something turned out to be these sunflowers. I never put them there. Maybe the kids planted them?

Not to be gross, but a bird probaly pooped the seed out...seriously...gross but that is probaly how it happend! Hope you have a great day!
Those are very pretty, and a nice surprise, huh? Crystal is probably right. ;)
However they got there, enjoy them -- they are beautiful!
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